The 2023 RED talks were held on March 16. The list of talks, with links to several of the presentations, is below.
2:00 PM |
Mike Frederick and Michael Shochet |
Intro & Welcome |
2:10 PM |
Nima Zahadat |
TrueCrypt vs. VeraCrypt |
2:18 PM |
Andressa Viscone |
2:26 PM |
Sunny Kang |
2:34 PM |
Yunzi (Rae) Tan |
2:42 PM |
Regina Bento and Lourdes White |
Managing Conduct Risk: Innovative Approaches to Internal Auditing |
2:50 PM |
Angela Rodgers-KouKoui |
How to be more intentional in the ways that they deploy resources in the community, |
2:58 PM |
Kelechi Uzochukwu |
3:06 PM |
Nicole Hudgins |
3:14 PM |
Rachael Zeleny |
3:22 PM |
Break |
3:42 PM |
Lora Peppard and Patty Ferssizidis |
Mind the Message: Using Communication to Prevent Substance Use in Youth
3:50 PM |
James Duffy |
3:58 PM |
Eleni Stamoulis |
Diversity in Design Education: Supporting Black, Brown & Latinx Students By Evaluating Course & Program Student Learning Objectives |
4:06 PM |
John Donahue |
4:14 PM |
Andrea Cantora |
4:22 PM |
Ge Claire Guo |
Stochastic optimization of supply chain resilience under COVID-19 pandemic disruptions |
4:30 PM |
Dawnsha Mushonga |
Adolescent Disadvantage and the Value of a College Education |
4:38 PM |
Ernesto Villaseñor, Jr. |
4:46 PM |
Al Gourrier |
4:54 PM |
Closing remarks |
Reception tom follow for those attending in person |
Research Engagement Day provides a forum to learn about the research, scholarship and creative activities undertaken by faculty and graduate students across all parts of the University of Baltimore.
The RED Talks provide a unique opportunity to learn about a wide variety of research, scholarship and creative activity happening across the University of Baltimore. UBalt faculty and graduate students whose applications are accepted will be asked to share information about a current project in a 5 minute video. This will be followed by the opportunity for people in the audience to ask questions. Presenters can be present on campus, on the 12th floor of the Law School building, or can attend online via Zoom.
You can see examples of previous talks using the links on the left.
RED Talks are sponsored by:
- RLB Library
- Council on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity
- Office of Sponsored Research
Send any questions to Michael Shochet at