As you may have guessed, I have hidden the treasure in one of the Lockers. And since I am in such a good mood, I will even suggest that you look in
But, don't run off yet, because that locker is, well, locked and you still need to find the four-digit code if you want to open it.
1st Number
Go to the library's home page (http://ubalt.edu/library)
Click on the Special Collections tab above the gray search box.
Search for a item with the title “Poe Treasure Hunt.”
Note that the record tells you the box and folder number in which this item can be found.
That is most likely a folder with records of a treasure hunt developed by the Poe Society. If you were doing research, you would schedule an appointment with our Special Collections Department and request that they pull the specified box containing the folder.
Speaking of which: The final number of the folder is the first digit of the combination.
Folder 11__
Fun Fact: Special Collections is home to UBalt’s archives, located in the Turner Learning Commons building, and is comprised of materials related to the 20th century history of the Baltimore region and to UBalt’s institutional records. There is a treasure trove of photographs, manuscripts, video, etc., that would make great source material for your urban history class projects.
2nd Number
Go to the library's home page (http://ubalt.edu/library)
Click on the Books+ tab
Search for a book called “Treasure of Khan”
Note the book's Library of Congress call number. It begins with a PS
The 1st number after the PS is the 2nd number of the code.
PS__ 53.U75 T74 2006
Fun Fact: Did you know that you can borrow books from other libraries anywhere in the world? You will find records for many books not owned by the RLB through the books+ tab. When we don't have the book, there will be a link you can use to request that the book be sent here.
3rd Number
There is a book on Reserve for a class written by Wittman. Its call number begins with the letter N.
The 3rd digit you need to open the locker is the number after the N.
N __795.5.W58 W58 2010
Tip: Back on the library homepage, look in the "Students" box on the right for a link that says "Course Reserves List".
Fun Fact: Your professor may place textbooks on Reserves for you to use in the Library. You can check the “Current Reserves List” to see if your textbook is on the list. Often your professor will also let you know if your text is on Reserves. Textbooks can be used for 2 hours in the library, and there are flat-bed scanners available on the first and second floors.
4th Number
Well, this puzzle is a fun game, is it not? The final digit of the code is
The last number of the room which is home to the Gaming Lab
located in the basement of the library.
Room 01__
Fun Fact: The library has over 200 video and board games that you can use to take a study break or explore how games have changed over time.