Collection Development Policy
Library Mission
Robert L. Bogomolny Library cultivates knowledge creation within members of campus, the Baltimore metropolitan area and beyond. We do this by teaching the skills and insights necessary to navigate the ever-changing information landscape and ensuring access to resources, learning spaces and technology.
Authority for Selection
The Director of Robert L. Bogomolny Library has the responsibility and authority to allocate collection development resources.
A. Factors such as the relative cost of materials in a discipline, number of students enrolled, the level of students enrolled, number of faculty and faculty research levels, and other factors will be used to in determining what funds will be spent in a subject area. Every effort will be made to ensure adequate resources for all curriculum and research needs.
B. Robert L. Bogomolny Library librarians select and deselect materials.
Goals of Selection
Robert L. Bogomolny Library’s selections are designed to create a strong, coherent, dynamic and versatile collection to support the teaching, research and community service needs of the University of Baltimore and to provide a variety of viewpoints on issues.
Selection Formats and Guidelines
Robert L. Bogomolny Library collects in a broad selection of information formats including but not limited to: printed books, serials, video, DVD, maps, archival material, and electronic resources. An e-preferred model is the guiding philosophy for selectors, where new materials are purchased in electronic format; selector discretion should include cost, access, and availability.
The primary criterion is relevance to University goals with an emphasis on the University’s teaching mission. Priority is given to items used in courses or for items to be placed on course reserve. (see Reserves Policy)
A. Book selection is based on, but not limited to, the reputation of the author, quality as determined by book reviews, relevant standards of professional organizations, needs of the subject area, faculty requests, and the need to provide a variety of viewpoints on issues.
B. Consideration is given to the amount of coverage within the USMAI system; in general, the library will not acquire a title if a circulating copy is held by more than two other libraries within the system.
C. In general, the library does not acquire textbooks except as gifts or by explicit request of faculty. Textbooks may be acquired if they represent significant contributions to the presentation of a subject or if there is a scarcity of material in the field. No attempt will be made to purchase all assigned textbooks at the University.
D. Periodicals will be selected based on long-term needs. Periodical subscriptions are viewed as long-term commitments to renew for an extended period of time. Whenever possible, periodicals will be purchased in electronic format to maximize access to such periodicals. Requests for new or reinstated journals should be sent directly to the Associate Director. Typically, requests will be honored, but if anything seems “extraordinary” then the library director will be consulted. The head of Acquisitions and Discovery Services will verify the availability of and pricing options for electronic access and will process the order in the most appropriate format (electronic only / print + electronic / print only) through the library’s subscription agent. Exception: if electronic access to a journal title is on a platform for which the library already has a license, the request will be passed to the Electronic Resources Librarian to add to the existing license.
E. Robert L. Bogomolny Library’s Special Collections Department houses the archival and special collections of the University of Baltimore Educational Foundation. (see Special Collections Policy)
F. Gift materials will be added only if the material enhances the intellectual value of the collection. Materials will not be added solely to increase the size of the collection. In general, gift items will be limited to items published or copyrighted within the most current three years unless the item is of significant historical or intellectual value.
Electronic Resources
Electronic formats present libraries with management issues that more traditional formats do not. This section of the Collection Development Policy provides context and guidelines for Robert L. Bogomolny Library in the selection, acquisition, provision of access to, and maintenance of electronic resources. It does not address specific procedural issues such as where a particular resource will be located or funding options.
Providing access to electronic resources may involve funding, equipment, data storage, location, and remote access decisions affecting many units both within the library administrative structure and outside of it. These might include OTS, and USMAI libraries. Robert L. Bogomolny Library seeks to work cooperatively with the above and other concerned groups on such issues as they arise.
A. General Guidelines
1. Robert L. Bogomolny Library will select, fund, and make available appropriate electronic resources.
2. Robert L. Bogomolny Library will provide monies from its materials budget for the purchase of electronic materials meeting the criteria specified below.
3. The electronic resources librarian will have the primary responsibility for identifying, selecting, and maintaining electronic resources. She will consult with appropriate library staff on final decisions.
4. The electronic resources librarian will have the primary responsibility for negotiating and coordinating funding for applications programs needed to operate specific electronic resources selected.
5. The electronic resources librarian will have the primary responsibility for representing Robert L. Bogomolny Library on the USMAI E-Collections Task Group or any successors.
6. The public services support required to make a resource available should be given early consideration in the selection process. Collection management librarians should consult with staff of other library departments that may be affected. Aspects of public services support to be considered are:
a. The need for staff and user training.
b. The availability and usefulness of manuals, guides, and tutorials from the producer.
c. The ease of production of a brief guide by Robert L. Bogomolny Library staff.
B. Criteria for Selection
The fundamental and primary criteria used for measuring the appropriateness of adding a particular electronic resource to the library's collection will not differ essentially from those criteria used to select books or any other format. These primary criteria are:
a. The resource contributes to the library's mission of providing support for instruction and research.
b. There is demonstrated demand or a potential audience for the resource.
c. The following criteria specific to electronic resources should be considered. They are not listed in priority order. Not all of the suggested criteria will be applicable in every case.
1. The resource offers some value-added enhancement to make it preferable over, or a significant addition to, other print or non-print equivalents. Examples of such enhancements include wider access and greater flexibility in searching.
2. If the item is an electronic version of a resource in another format, it contains or covers the equivalent information to the extent appropriate and desirable.
3. The resource meets usual and customary technical standards in the industry.
4. The resource is updated often enough to be useful.
5. The production quality is satisfactory for the proposed use.
6. No requirements for additional or special hardware or software, other than what is freely available and widely used.
7. Compatibility across different platforms (PC, Mac, etc.)
8. Full-text availability in PDF and/or HTML preferred.
9. Trial period available for review of the resource prior to purchase decision.
10. Value added enhancements and/or improved access, such as:
a. Availability independent of time or location
b. Greater functionality, including multiple search indexes
c. More extensive content
d. More up-to-date content
11. Should be user-friendly and provide assistance to the user by prompts and menus, context or function specific help screens, or tutorials.
12. Vendor reliability as to content, business practices, customer and technical support, documentation and training, and notification of content and format changes.
13. Availability of Counting Electronic Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) compliant usage data
14. Acceptable license terms - An acceptable license will adhere to the principles of SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (
C. Database Maintenance, Renewal and De-selection
1. Electronic resources will be evaluated annually on usage, cost effectiveness and continued relevance. The Electronic Resources Librarian will collect and retain usage statistics to be used in renewal/cancellation decisions.
2. Decisions on renewal and cancellation will be made through collaboration with library staff and administration.
3. The Electronic Resources Librarian will be responsible for recording and retaining information on databases including price, renewal date and reasons for non selection or cancellation.
4. The Electronic Resources Librarian will be the primary contact for resolution of database maintenance issues; e.g. inability to access.
D. Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources (This should be posted publicly.)
1. Copyrights and licenses. Users shall respect copyrights and licensing agreements.
a. Copying. Software shall not be copied except as permitted by copyright law or a license agreement.
b. Number of simultaneous users. The number of simultaneous users shall not exceed the number of licenses purchased by the Library, unless otherwise stipulated in the purchase contract.
c. Plagiarism. Copied material shall be properly attributed. Plagiarism of information in an electronic form is subject to the same sanctions as in any other medium.
2. Unauthorized access. Users shall not seek or enable unauthorized access.
a. Authorization. Users shall not access information technology resources without proper authorization, or intentionally enable others to do so.
b. Password protection. A user who has been authorized to use a password-protected account shall not disclose the password or otherwise make the account available to others without authorization.
3. Usage. Users shall comply with applicable law, University policy (cf. and license agreements. The Library shall take reasonable steps to ensure compliance.
Federal Documents
Robert L. Bogomolny Library participates as a selective depository of government documents in the Federal Depository Library Program collecting approximately 26% of the documents the U.S. Government publishes each year. In return for receiving these documents for free, Langsdale Library agrees to maintain the documents for at least five years. Robert L. Bogomolny Librarymaintains a "basic collection" of essential government titles that are accessible for immediate use. Robert L. Bogomolny Library’s government documents coordinator is responsible for the maintenance of the collection and follows the directives for collection development as outlined by the FDLP.
Maryland State Publications
Langsdale Library does not actively pursue acquisition of Maryland State publications. However, Langsdale Library automatically acquires those Maryland publications produced by the authority of or at the expense of state agencies which are sent to depository libraries on a (ir)regular basis through the State Publications Depository and Distribution Program (SPDDP).
A. Since Maryland State publications may support the teaching, research and community service needs of the University of Baltimore, Robert L. Bogomolny Library will acquire particular Maryland State publications at the request of faculty, staff and students of the University.
B. Law related Maryland State publications (e.g. Code of Maryland) received from SPDDP are sent to UBalt Law Library.
C. Maryland State publications will be evaluated within the three-year cycle according to LC call number (see Review and De-selection).
D. Normally, Maryland State publications will be held for a period of five years and then withdrawn. (The State Library Resource Center (located at 400 Cathedral Street; also known as Enoch Pratt Free Library or Central Library) is mandated by statute to collect state publications.) Those titles pertaining to a specific course of study (e.g. Criminal Justice, Health Systems Management, Government & Public Policy) will be retained for a period of twenty years, unless the title is deemed by to have lasting reference value.
Review and Deselection (weeding)
The University of Baltimore’s emphasis on business and the applied liberal arts favors a current collection rather than a historical collection. In order to keep the collection current and to maintain adequate shelf space, the monograph collection will be reviewed on a three-year cycle to regularly and systematically weed the collection as follows:
- 2016: LC call numbers H
- 2017: LC call numbers M – Z
- 2018: LC call numbers A – G, J – L
An item will be withdrawn using the following criteria:
- It is a duplicate and/or earlier edition of book
- It has not circulated in 10 years (or possibly circulated once in ten years)
- It is a textbook older than 10 years (unless it is the only textbook in subject and very well circulated)
Unique titles with little circulation are retained if they are the only works on that topic and the topic is relevant to UBalt. In addition, a unique title with little circulation is retained if the work is a classic or written by an author well-known in the field.
Review of print serial subscriptions, e-journal subscriptions and electronic databases will take place annually based on relevance, usage and cost effectiveness.
Challenged Materials
Robert L. Bogomolny Library welcomes opinions from the UBalt community concerning resources selected or not selected for the collection. Persons requesting reconsideration of resources must forward the request in writing to a librarian who will deliver it to the appropriate selector. The selector will evaluate the request based on documentation provided and the collection criteria, responding to the request within 10 working days. Persons making the request may appeal the decision of the selector to the director who will respond within 30 days.
07/15/15 JH