Here are some fun examples from UBalt faculty, including Dr. Nima Zahadat and Dr. Jessica A Stansbury
Write Python code that would allow image rotation
Write a song about a girl named Marie in the style of “Jennifer” by the Eurythmics
Write a story about a magical pumpkin
Can you write me a poem about the value you bring to teaching and learning?
What are the limitations of ChatGPT?
What is DALL-E 2?
DALL-E 2 is ChatGPT's visual sister, which is a version of Open AI for drawing.
See some DALL-E 2 examples, by Dr. Nima Zahadat
Prompt: Draw a little boy, 8-years old, named Joey, with long hair, and swimming with orcas in the Arctic. "It gave me 4 options. I picked these two for my son Joey who loves orcas. I had asked it to do it in the style of Van Gogh."